Sunday 7 July 2013

Diaper Free!!

This entry is actually non-beauty related; I just want to record every little progression each of my kids has made.

Today, July 7th 2013, marks an important progression of my eldest son, Brayden.
Brayden is finally diaper-free boy! Yeah..!!!  He is now 3 yrs 8 months. Well done, son!

For the past 1 year, he only wore diapers on nightly basis before he goes to bed and when we go out.  But ever since we moved to Doha, and ever since he has his own room and new bed, he stopped wearing diapers before he sleeps. I guess my eldest boy has grown up! And finally we could save some $$ on diapers; diapers and formula milks are very costly.
So now it’s time to toilet-trained my youngest son.

Love, Shantz

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