Saturday 18 May 2013

{Quick Review} - Biore Pore Pack Black

Ladies, some update from my PORE CARE regime!
Since I’m running out my Laneige Pore Strip, I decide to give Biore Pore Pack Black another shot. Those who follow me know that I mentioned previously review here that I tried this product before but it wasn’t effective at all.
But this time I decided to use my Laneige Melting Gel prior to this.  Voila! It works! J

Laneige Melting Gel is certainly my MUST-HAVE too!

As PROMISE- Visible results on black sheet!

As PROMISE- Visible results on black sheet! (Different angle).
I definitely have my own population of blackheads/whiteheads.
·        It’s definitely economical than Laneige Pore Strip.
Biore Pore Pack Black cost me only less than $5.00 for 10 strips whereas Laneige Pore Strip cost me a whopping $15.00 for 10 strips.
·        It’s easily available in supermarkets, pharmacies, departmental stores.
You can only buy Laneige Pore Strip only from selected departmental stores and Laneige boutiques.
·        The whiteheads/ blackheads are easily visible on black strip.
·        One of the selling point is if the strip has been left too long than the recommended time, we can wet the Pore Pack thoroughly with water and then slowly peel it off.
·        Not so time-effective. It takes more than 15 minutes (around 20 minutes plus) before the strip dry out. Although on the packaging it claims only need 10-15 minutes.
·        Beside the drying process requires longer time, I realized that I must also stay in a dry place (best in air conditioning room). I tried at 2 different locations; in the toilet room and in my bedroom. The latter location works better (however I didn’t have any issue for Laneige Pore Strip – it dries even in the toilet).
·        Not so gentle to skin. It’s quite painful process when peeling off the strip (It could be because I leave it too long on my nose, but what can I do? The product takes longer time to dry then the recommended time).
And again I didn’t have any issue with Laneige Pore Strip.

Personally I find Biore Pore Pack Black is relatively not a bad product, but if you have sensitive skin, I won’t recommend this product to you – this product can be a little too harsh for your skin.

Will I repurchase it again?
I wouldn’t rule out this brand anymore however I might need to try other Biore Pore Pack (the white strip) before I could decide which one to purchase soon (I might need to stock up this product just in case the product is not available in Doha). So stay tuned for my next quick review on Biore Pore Pack soon.
It’s after all a pocket-friendly product J

I decided to try the product on my chin as well
(where all my whiteheads's hidding place!)
but it failed!
The strip from my chin - nothing here!
Just showing this for fun, LOL!

Have you guys try Biore Pore Pack Black and what do you guys think about this product?
Love, Shantz

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